
My Experience with English Unit 5 and 6 in 7th Grade

Unit 5: All About Food

The Most Memorable Class
Out of all the classes in this unit, the most memorable one for me was the cooking class. We were divided into groups and each group made a different dish. My group made a delicious pizza from scratch! It was so much fun working with my classmates and also learning new vocabulary related to cooking.

Difficult Vocabulary
One of the challenging vocabulary words for me in this unit was “gourmet.” It’s not a common word that I hear in my daily life but it was used a lot in the readings and discussions. I had to look it up in the dictionary and also ask my teacher for further explanation.

Unit 6: What’s in the News?

Interesting Topics
I found the topics in this unit very interesting and relevant to current events. We read and discussed articles about climate change, social media, and even cryptocurrency. It was eye-opening to learn about these topics and to have discussions with my classmates about our opinions and ideas.

Improving Reading Comprehension
One of the goals for this unit was to improve our reading comprehension skills. We did a lot of practice exercises and worked on strategies such as highlighting key words, making predictions, and summarizing. I definitely feel like my reading comprehension has improved after completing this unit.

Overall, I really enjoyed my experience with English Unit 5 and 6 in 7th grade. I learned a lot of new vocabulary, had interesting discussions with my classmates, and improved my reading comprehension skills.