
My Favourite Hobby

Reading is My Passion

Reading is my favourite hobby. I love to read about different subjects, from science to history, from fiction to non-fiction. Reading is not just a pastime for me, it’s my passion.

Why I Love Reading?

Firstly, reading is a great way to improve my vocabulary and language skills. It helps me to communicate better and express myself more clearly. Secondly, it’s a great stress buster. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stressed out, I take refuge in the world of books. Thirdly, reading helps me to widen my knowledge and perspective about different cultures, beliefs, and ideologies.

My Favourite Genres

I love to read fiction and mysteries. Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, and Sidney Sheldon are some of my favourite authors. I also enjoy reading non-fiction books on psychology, science, and history. Richard Dawkins and Malcolm Gladwell are a few examples of authors I admire.


In conclusion, reading is not just a hobby for me, it’s a way of life. It has helped me to learn new things, enhance my vocabulary and communication skills, and broaden my perspective about life. Therefore, I make sure to spend some time every day reading a good book.