
My Writing Sample for English Unit 2 Paper

My Impressions of the Short Stories

The Gift of the Magi
After reading this classic short story by O. Henry, I was moved by the incredible love and sacrifice of the main characters, Jim and Della. Despite their financial struggles, they were willing to give up their most precious possessions in order to buy Christmas gifts for one another. The ending was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, as they realized the irony of their gifts and how much they truly loved one another.

The Lottery
This short story by Shirley Jackson was a difficult read for me due to its shocking content. The idea of a small town holding a yearly lottery where the winner is stoned to death was disturbing and uncomfortable. However, it was thought-provoking and made me consider the danger of blindly following tradition and custom, even if they are cruel and unjust.

Overall Thoughts

After analyzing and reflecting on these short stories, I found myself appreciating the power and impact that literature can have on our emotions and beliefs. The Gift of the Magi reminded me of the true meaning of love and selflessness, while The Lottery challenged me to question the importance of tradition and morality. Overall, these stories were vastly different, yet equally thought-provoking and memorable.