


Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished judges, and dear fellow students,

Greetings everyone! It is my utmost honor to stand here today, and share with you some tips on writing a speech and a universal opening for a speech.




As a speaker, we always want to capture the attention of our audience and make our speech stand out. However, sometimes, we may waste our precious time by indulging in trying to create an overly fancy opening. So, the question is, how to write a simple yet eye-catching opening for a speech?



Here, I would like to share with you some useful tips and examples of opening lines that I find helpful. Let’s take a look together!

1. 引用名言或者名人名言



1. Quote a famous saying or a famous person’s saying

This is one of the most commonly used openings. Find a suitable famous saying or quote from a famous person to arouse the audience’s interest based on the theme of your speech.


For example:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” These words, spoken by the great Winston Churchill, have been a source of inspiration for countless people throughout history.

2. 提出问题或反问



2. Pose a question or ask a rhetorical question

This type of opening can arouse the curiosity and thinking of the audience in the first place. Or, introduce the topic in the form of questioning to attract the audience.


For example:

“Do you know what I think is the biggest problem in our society today? It is the lack of empathy and compassion towards others.”

3. 提供统计数据或前提


3. Provide statistics or premise

Providing new information or statistics can make the speech more convincing.


For example:

“Did you know that about 70% of the world’s population does not have access to clean water? Today, I want to talk about the importance of conserving water resources and how we can make a difference.”


These are the different types of openings I shared with you today. I hope they will inspire and provide you with some new ideas for your own speech writing.